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How to Apply OSP License?

Outbound Call Center Software
 April 3, 2020

What is OSP :

OSP is nothing but the abbreviated form of ‘Other Service Provider’. A company providing Application Services is said to be Other Service Provider. ‘Application Services’ means providing services such as e tele-banking, tele-medicine,tele-education, tele-trading, e-commerce, call centre, network operation centre and other IT Enabled Services, by using Telecom Resources provided by Authorised Telecom Service Providers.

Also Read: ILL and VoIP by Pulse

OSP Centre’ is the infrastructure at a location in India which is used by the OSP for providing the Application Services. ‘Domestic OSP’ means the OSP providing the Application Services within national boundaries. ‘International OSP’ means the OSP providing the Application Services beyond national boundaries.


Registration may be granted to any company to provide Application Services. The entities entitled for OSP registration must be a company registered under Indian Companies Act, 1956. A company can apply for registration to the Authority in the pro-forma prescribed by the Authority from time to time.

Mandatory Documents:

Certificate of Incorporation issued by Registrar of CompanyMemorandum and Article of AssociationBoard resolution or Power of Attorney authorizing the authorised signatory with attested signatures

Nature of business / activities of the proposed OSP and all the documents must be certified with seal by either Company Secretary or one of the Directors of the Company or Statutory Auditors or Public Notary.

If the actual information is different from the Mandatory documents the following should be submitted. List of present Directors of the company

Present shareholdings pattern of the company indicating equity details (Indian Equity and Foreign Equity) A processing fee of Rs.1000/- is payable along with the application for registration in the form of a demand draft from a scheduled bank in favour of the concerned Accounts Officer of registering authority.

All the documents must be certified with seal by either Company Secretary or one of the Directors of the Company or Statutory Auditors or Public Notary.

A company can have more than one registration (i.e. multiple registration is possible). The OSP shall intimate the Authority in case the OSP proposes to change the POP or add another POP. The validity of registration shall be 20 years from the date of issue, unless otherwise mentioned in the registration letter. It can be extended. The OSP shall inform the Authority with supporting documents if there is any change in the name or address of the company as stated in the Performa submitted at the time of registration.

Terms & Condition for OSP Operation:

The OSP shall take the Telecom Resources from an Authorised Telecom Service Provider only. The Authorised Telecom provide resources to the OSP after examining the network diagram of the network proposed to be set up by the OSP and after ensuring its bonafide use. OSPs shall submit a copy of the network diagram approved by the Telecom Service Provider to VTM Cells for records and verification. OSP may have internet connectivity from the Authorised Internet Service Provider. OSP is permitted to share the Telecom bandwidth with other activities of the same Company or group of companies.

How to Apply OSP License:-

Do you want to get OSP License for your company?

Do not know how to apply/register for it?

Please contact Pulse, an Authorized Service Provider; we will guide you through the online application process for OSP registration.

Please reach us @ 044 4000 1800 Extn; 710/715 or mail to,

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